1. New challenge is available
Participants have time to review the requirements and to prepare their code.
2. Contribution
Participants submit their work to the project at least 2 days before the meeting by following the contribution guide.
3. Code review
Before the meeting everybody review the code every other participant submitted. He takes notes of one or two things which made strong impression to him and wants to discuss with the rest.
During the meeting everybody shares his notes/topics and the group is discussing each one. If a person don’t have anything to share, somebody else takes his turn. There could be a general discussion about the technologies used in the challenge as well. The group define their conclusions or findings while discussing the topics.
4. Vote
After the review the team is voting, anonymously, for two things.
- Win - Which of the contributions, according to the person who votes is as close as possible to the best implementation of the task and covers most of the principles the group agreed on.
- MVP - Who was most active, provided new knowledge, give solid and clear arguments or logical reasoning during the discussion.
5. New challenge is revealed and we get back to the beginning
The owner of the code which win a challenge collects 3 points.
If you are chosen as MVP, this grand you 1 point.
Contributors could suggest challenge to the organizer, if they want. In case their suggestion is accepted, they will be rewarded with 2 points for their help.